Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sisi Marie's Birthday
Sienna chose a chocolate cake and rainbow sherbet for her celebration.
Here we are at Olive Garden.
Sienna getting sung to by the waiters/waitresses.
After Olive Garden, she wanted to go play tennis. Taylor talked her into that one because he has been dying to go for a year now. We bought everyone a tennis racket and went down to the high school and played for about an hour. I'm not sure that she loved the activity, but she sure looked cute in her tennis outfit. With a summer dress, zip up hoodie, white tennis shoes, and a ponytail, Sienna looked like a tennis player. Unfortunately our camera wouldn't work for me at the tennis courts, so I don't have a picture of her playing.
After tennis, we went to Cold Stone Creamery and got her her very own Kid's Creation--cotton candy ice cream with gummy bears. Of course the rest of us shared some favorites, a chocolate peanut butter lover's creation and sweet cream with strawberries. I love Cold Stone ...mmm mmm.
Later that evening when we got home, Sienna went on a "hunt" for her new present. Since it was too big to wrap, we told her to search the basement for her present. She found it in the shower and was very excited to get a new princess two-wheel bike with training wheels. Our camera was still not cooperating, so we video taped the whole thing. When I can figure out how to put short video clips on the blogger, I will post it, because it was really cute.
The next day, Sunday, was her real birthday. She chose the dinner:
Sisi's birthday dinner: Top Ramen, strawberries, and Hannah Montana rainbow yogurt. Well the yogurt isn't Hannah Montana like she wanted; I couldn't find that. But it is a rainbow yogurt and I added in a grilled cheese sandwich for more options. Yum yum!
Doesn't she look gorgeous?
Sienna modeling her new apron made by Grandma D and her Tinkerbell sunglasses and flip-flops. She also got a Tinkerbell beach towel, which she loves.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy 7th Birthday Kamrie!
On her birthday, I pulled her out of school early to get these pretty little things on her ears:
Next, as a family, she wanted to go swimming at an indoor pool. I "accidently" forgot to take pictures of that. The water was warm and we all had fun playing "Marco-Polo", racing, and playing on the water slides. We ended up getting McDonald's for dinner due to the lack of time. It wasn't her top pick. In fact, if she could've, we would have ended up at Red Lobster for some lobster, shrimp, and crab. When we got home, we sang Happy Birthday, ate a Hello Kitty cupcake concoction and ice cream, and opened presents. She loved the outfit she got from Grandma and Grandpa D, the makeup she's been dreaming about for a year now from Grandma and Grandpa Price, and a makeup mirror and Littlest Pet Shop toys from us. I think it was the best birthday ever! She was all smiles that day.
Sisi The Beautician!
Her first time:
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Introducing Jarlie

Here's the newest member of the family, Jarlie. I'm not sure where the really dark eyes came from, but he/she looks like he/she could be a sibling to our other four. After seeing Mom and Dave's internet baby, I had to try it out too. Here's the website if you want to try: http://www.vw.com/vwhype/babymaker/en/us/
Friday, November 21, 2008
True Blue Fan
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Halloween!
I loved Halloween this year. The weather was unusually warm. Halloween was on a Friday. We hung out with Scott, Maran, and Hannah that night. And, of course, the candy is always delicious. Thanks kids for doing all the work and getting the treats! Jarin actually did a bit of trick or treating himself. Instead of staying home to hand out candy, we brought it with us to hand out as we passed by the neighbors. You'll have to see as you scroll down how my creative and attention-loving husband handed out the candy. Boy is he a ham!
Afterwards, we got home about 8:00 and ate Mummy Dogs, fruit, and orange/banana smoothies topped with Cool Whip shaped ghosts. I should've taken pictures. But I got in such a hurry that I forgot. I probably won't make this meal a tradition. Personally I like the soups and chilis in a bread bowl. We'll have to see if we can find gluten-free bread bowls next year.
We ended the day by snuggling up with each other on the bean bag and watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas." We thought it would be a good transitional movie from Halloween to Christmas. But it ended up being even more weird than we remembered. The most important thing was just spending time together. While lying there on the bean bag, I felt so much joy just being with my family.